Loss and Grief Support Training
When someone experiences a loss like divorce, miscarriage, loss of employment or when someone close to them dies it often affects many people.
Experiencing a loss can cause people to feel a range of difficult emotions. Having training in grief support is helpful for you to know how to care and what to say to someone facing such challenges in their changed world.

Introduction to Loss + Grief Support Training - ONLINE
About the Workshop
The NALAG Introduction to Loss & Grief workshop series will assist participants to provide support to those grieving. During the workshop you will reflect on your personal history of loss and past grief reactions. The landscape of grief is explored within a framework of contemporary grief theory and models. You will learn strategies to help and build your confidence in supporting others facing loss and bereavement.
This workshop is delivered online.
Volunteering for NALAG
At the completion of this workshop, applicants can apply to become a NALAG Grief Support Volunteer. Applications to become a Support Volunteer will involve an assessment for suitability and additional training prior to the commencement of any client work. If you feel you are able to give your time as a Volunteer, please contact us on 02 6882 9222 for more information.
Who should attend this workshop?
This course is open to:
Anyone in the community.
- This may be very helpful to those involved in the care and support of others, including welfare students, counsellors, palliative care practitioners, psychologists, social workers, nurses, teachers, funeral directors, pastoral care workers, chaplains and clergy, and community volunteers.
- This workshop can be offered exclusively to organisations seeking training for their staff. Please contact NALAG to discuss requirements, dates and pricing.
Workshop Program
Session 1: What is Grief?Â
Session 2: Â Models and theories of Grief
Session 3: How to Support?
Session 4: (Volunteer Training Only) Communication, Skills Practice, Personal Loss and Selfcare.Â
Workshop Aims
To equip participants with an understanding of normal grief to increase their confidence and competency in being able to support others facing significant loss. This can be in a personal or professional context.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course participants will have:
- A clear understanding of the landscape of grief and categories of loss.
- Recognition of normal grief reactions and the diversity of grieving styles.
- Explored the mediators of mourning and the influence played by attachment in the bereavement process.
- Studied the contemporary theories and models of grief used by NALAG in supporting others.
- Examined what support strategies and skills are most helpful in grief support.
 Training Style
Online Interactive Workshop. The course is experiential in nature and participants will self-reflect on their own losses.
About the Presenter
Cathy Banks
NALAG Lead Counsellor /Educator/ Clinical Supervisor
Cathy Banks is the Lead Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor for NALAG and is registered with the Australian Counsellor’s Association (ACA MCOS 16575). Cathy has been associated with the field of grief and bereavement over the past 20 years and has trained many volunteers and professionals in grief theory and interventions all over NSW.
Cathy is a very keen Sandplay therapist, with a background in working in schools and private practice. She has a strong interest in supporting child and adolescent grief, traumatic bereavement, and indigenous loss.